Friday 27 March 2009

.. Response to another blog (7) - ‘The Morning After Pill’ ..

This post comes from and reads:
"I have just read in the news that girls as young as 11 will soon be able to request the morning after pill by text message in Oxfordshire! I can't even begin to believe that girls as young as 11 are having sex, when I was that age I was happy having fun with my friends, sex never even entered my head then. With that sort of system set up where kids are basically being given the impression it's fine to have sex at that age and get pregnant because oh don't worry you can just text for a pill!!! It's just wrong, I know there is nothing that can be done to stop young people having sex but couldn't they do something more safe like send out condoms?! Sex is so exploited now though it's no wonder there are so many teen pregnancies! I don't understand how so many people can be so irresponsible, or how they just want to grow up so fast."
My response to this is:
This blog I found interesting to read, as opinions and views were expressed clearly and I found her views similar to mine too.

I agree with what you have said that, I cannot believe that girls from the age of 11 can request the morning after pill, this is definitely something which I would never expect to happen but this is ridiculous because they are encouraging the young ones to have sex. When I was at that age, sex was not even on my mind, so I don’t understand what’s happening to the generation today?

You cannot tell people to not have sex, but it shouldn’t be advertised as a normal activity to do, even though it is a form of showing love and passion between you and the other person but these days, sex is just sex nothing else. I have a cousin which is 11 years old which I am very close to, I treat her u like my baby sister, and if I found out that she was having sex and was requesting the morning after pill I would be so disgusted because stories like this is happening today!

Sex being exploited and no wonder why there is a high rate of teenage pregnancies, I don’t understand why people would want to have sex at a young age, sex is not going anywhere!! Is sex that important these days???

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