Sunday 8 March 2009

.. Shoplifting ..

Why do people shoplift?
Excitement..? Bad habit..? Imitating others..? Cannot afford things..? The feeling of getting away with something which is known to be bad..?

I feel that shoplifting is not neccessary, however people have their reasons to why they do it, but if you really want something why dont you just buy it? or ask someone else too, if you cannot afford it? or save your money and then buy it?

I remember a time when we had to do two weeks of work experience, I was put with the 'new girl' who had joined our school. We had to apply for stores that we wanted to work in, we both picked the same store, and ended up working in an retail store together. I never knew her that well but used to speak to her sometimes, as she used to live near me.

But working with her for two weeks, I got to know what kind of person she was. She was the type of girl that was very quiet, not very confident, and very shy. However, after the two weeks was over, rumours were going around school, that she had stolen so many items from the store, and that she had been caught before by the police, and it was so serious that she was put into a cell for a certain amount of hours.

I think to myself that she did not care with what she was doing, however she may have her reasons to why she was stealing, as she had issues with her family and maybe she had the reason to steal because of that..we would never know why??

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes people just steal just cause they can.

    Its easy until you get caught out.
