Saturday 2 May 2009

.. Response to another blog (10) - 'Euthanasia' ..

This post comes from and reads:
"Euthanasia is the deliberate killing of a person for the benefit of that person. Euthanasia is a very complex subject, many people strongly believe is wrong and do not accept it. But I think that it can not be judged right or wrong by anyone as the people involved would obviously believe that it was the best decision for the person. I think that if someone is suffering so much that they want to put a end to it, they should have the right to decide this. Euthanasia can be seen as a part of the right to freedom, so surely the right to death should be included in this, yet it remains illegal even though the British law in place encourages human rights. If abortion is accepted and legal why not euthanasia? At least with euthanasia you have the consent of the person who's life is being ended."
My response to this is:
I personally don't think euthanasia is bad, or a form of being bad, because if someone is in a lot of pain and they are requesting for someone to end their life, then I don't find this bad, because the person has given permission for the other person to do this for them.
Abortion and euthanasia is completely different, and I don't agree personally with abortion myself, however if someone did perform euthanasia I wouldn't judge them at all.

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