Friday 6 March 2009

.. Abortion ..

I consider abortion to be extremely 'bad', because I don't know how someone could kill such an innocent, harmless human-being that is not even born yet. How can they do it...?

I understand that having a baby is a very big responsibility, however individuals take the choice of having sex, they are aware of the responsibilities that come with having a sexual relationship, so why not handle them in a responsible manner?, why is the first thought 'abortion or termination'.

Sometimes having a baby can cause a lot of problems for the individuals themselves, for example: their families, when they find out the news many problems can occur such as: disownment, shame to the family. Religious views and beliefs can also be reflected on the situation.

If you do get pregnant you should act responsibility...instead of taking the fastest route out of the situation.

1 comment:

  1. i think that abortion is a bad thing but if you dont want the baby thats the option you have, this may sound harsh but its true.
    People have their reasons why they do have abortions,like you said but i dont think that just because you have sex you should be responsible for what can happen,if you have used protection then its not your fault.
