Wednesday 4 March 2009

.. Masturbation ..

Masturbation is not a common subject that people speak about...WHY?
This might be because people find masturbation a 'embarrassing' or 'a bad thing to do'.

Statistics show that 90% men and 65% women masturbate time to time.

I don't think masturbation is a 'bad thing to do', I understand why people may find it embarrassing as it is very personal, however it is a natural thing to do, and it allows you to explore yourself and also release sexual frustration. Masturbation is becoming more of a norm in peoples daily lives. What ever people do in their homes, is nobody's business..unless it becomes public!

I think there are stereotypicals views on 'masturbation': males have been stereotyped to masturbate. But when people find out that females do also masturbate it is 'big shocker', however females are just as likely to masturbate as males.

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