Thursday 2 April 2009

.. Body Modification ..

Body modification is changing of the body by various means and to varying degrees from its natural and original state to another. The two most popular forms of practice that are available to people these days are; tattooing and piercing.

There are four different types of body modifications, they are:
< > Non Invasion Practices- Those that do not alter their body structure's but instead the surface such as: make-up, body painting, cutting/colouration of the hair, coloured contact lenses, clip on earrings and tattoos etc.

< > Invasion Practices-
Those that modify by temporarily, or permanently, changing the body by addition to or removal of a part of the body, such as: cutting, piercing, implants or ink etc.

< > Temporary Decorations- These are decorations that allow the individual to change their body without any lasting effects. This can be a short or a long term nature. Short-term temporary decorations include; make-up, hair removal, body painting. Long-term temporary decorations are usually of an invasive nature, this includes; certain piercings, henna tattoos, permanent make-up. These modifications only last a certain amount of time that the body allows. For example: henna tattoos and permanent cosmetics fade with time, while certain piercings with time close up after taking the stud, or bell bar ring out.

< > Permanent Decorations- Most modifications of this type are invasive, and can cause changes to hard or soft tissue areas. For example certain piercings such as insertions of ear or lip-disks, scarification, branding, tattooing, amputations, tooth filing, and finger sacrifice etc.

Some of the reasons why people modify their body are:
< > Religious Reasons
< > Memorial decoration
< > Fashion
< > Rebellion
< > Sexual
< > Membership of a group

Personally, I don't have a problem with people who modify their body, but I think some people do get carried away, for example with the image that has been added on this post, that person has gone over board with the amount of tattoos and piercings he has on his face. I find it unattractive, and it looks scary, and to be honest I think others would agree with me.

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