Friday 1 May 2009

.. Response to another blog (8) - 'Noisy sex arrest' ..

This post comes from and reads:
"48 year old Caroline appeared in court for ‘having noisy sex’; she has a four-year Asbo’s banning her from making excessive amount of noise anywhere in England. Since then, she has been convicted of breaching her Asbo in just 10 days…where the neighbours complained of shouting, groaning and her bed banging against the wall.
Cartwright was convicted of five breaches of a noise abatement on 17th April and fined £515!!! She was later arrested on three separate occasions within the same week for breaching again!!!
I could understand with a complain the once, but it seems the women did not even feel embarrassed that her sex life or ‘appetite’ had become so open…when I read this article I really could not stop laughing, the courts and police really have run out of crime to stop J
What do you think ; is at acceptable for people to be scrutinised for their ’loud’ sex life (no matter how disturbing…) or is it appropriate for the police to be spending time and ‘our’ tax money in arresting people for having ‘loud sex’…?"
My response to this:
I agree with yourself; this article was extremely funny, it was quite obvious that the 48 year old Caroline didn't care about the others around her when she was having 'noisy sex'. I personally don't think this is a form of bad behaviour, because everyone has sex or will have sex one day, however, people who are having sex should have some consideration for others, especially if they know that they are loud in bed.

I also think that the situation has been blown out of proportion, I personally think arresting her is a bit to much, because she was having sex in her own home not in public, but maybe arresting her will teach her a lesson; and its not like she is young either, doesn't she know HOW TO KEEP IT DOWN!!!

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