Saturday 2 May 2009

.. Response to another blog (13) - 'Bullying' ..

This post comes from and reads:
"Bullying is definitely being bad. Bullying gives people power to be able intimediate and make people lives hell. Some people that are bullys enjoy doing it and some people I suppose you can put it down to peer pressure. Being bullyed can lead to death thats why it is important that we inform someone before it gets too late because some people are weak and may try to kill themselves. It is the teachers responsibility to prevent bullying and punish the bullys. Some people get bullied all their lives but this could be due to way their personality is (easy to take advantage of). This means that you have to be more stronger and stick up for yourself and dont let anyone push you around."
My response to this is:
I agree with yourself, bullying is definitely a form of being bad, and I have always been against bullying. Bullying someone is not a nice feeling at all, and the people that bully someone are horrid people, because they make people feel so low in themselves, just because they feel good and they get some kind of thrill to make people feel like this.
If someone is being bullied, I think they should tell someone straight away, even if they think its nothing but bullying is something, and it is a form of behaviour which can make people feel so low that they would do crazy things; such as: commit suicide.
If bullying is happening at schools, then something should be done about it, however, bullying is something which consists in the society, and formal action should be taken. Fair enough, people's personalities may be weaker then others however this doesn't mean that people like this should be taken advantage off!!!

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