Sunday 3 May 2009

.. Final Blog: Questionnaire ..

Age? 19

Sex? Female

What is your degree subject (both if joint)? Social Care and Social Policy

Does 'Being Bad' relate well to the other modules you are taking? Not that much

If so, how? And if not, why? This module I think does not relate well to my other modules, however as I am studying Social Care and Social Policy, I feel that this module would be useful with my Social Care modules, as I have learnt to reflect critically on the place and importance in human life of a range of phenomena that are judged immoral, dangerous, unhealthy, unreasonable or imprudent. By learning about lifestyles and different behaviours that individuals may occur is important within my Social Care degree.

Have you found 'Being Bad' too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level? Appropriate level

Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate? Yes, because all the topics that we learnt in our lectures were all forms of bad behaviour, which was very useful with our assignments and our blog too.

Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included? Knife crime, abortion and drink driving.

Do you think that the format for classes has worked well? Definitely

What did you think of the module team? They were really nice, friendly people that kept the lectures interesting and enjoyable to learn.

Do you think it would have been better to have had more: Small group discussions? Discussion and debate among the class as a whole? Information and talk from lectures? I personally prefer information given and talks from the lectures more then discussions, so I would say to have more information handed out definitely.

The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this is a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module? Yes

Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea? Yes, because it draws on more areas instead of just focusing on one particular topic.

Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module? Yes

Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter? Yes

Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 'It Should'nt Be Allowed' at level 2? Not to sure

Would you recommend 'Being Bad' to a friend? Yes definitely

Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea? Yes, its different to the usual assignments, and the blogs are also another way to show peoples opinions and views on topics that were mentioned in the lecture and also topics that people find being bad.

What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones)? I personally prefer how the assignments were done, such as the two short ones, because both assessments were different from one another and its also different from other modules too.

What have you learned from the module? The main thing which I have learnt from this module would be to respect other people's views and opinions on topics, because not everyone has the same opinions as each other, and also the other thing would be the some of the topics that were discussed throughout the module such as smoking; why people do it? I found very interesting and enjoyed sitting in the lecture and learning the reasons why people are attracted to these types of behaviours.

What parts of the module have you found most useful and why? I can't say what part, as I found everything that I learnt in this module very useful and it also made me think critically about people's lifestyles and behaviour on certain things that people may do.

What parts do you think were a wasted time and why? None

Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding 'Being Bad'? This module is definitely something which I didn't expect, I found it very interesting and definitely worthwhile and recommend this module to others.

Saturday 2 May 2009

.. Response to another blog (14) - 'Racism' ..

This post comes from and reads:
"Racism is wrong, thinking that you are better than other people because they have a different colour, or are a different ethnicity. Racism exists in every culture and in every society. Racism has been going on for centuries, as skin colour has been a huge factor in a way a person is treated, for example at the work place. As statistics showed that white people had a higher chance of getting the job than anyone else in this country. I think Black or white everyone is equal."
My response to this is:
I definitely agree with your view on racism, I am totally against racism!!! I see every religion as the same, I am Sikh myself, and just because I am Sikh I don't think my religion is better then others.
In todays society, racism is becoming a big issue and it should be stopped, at one point in everyone's lives they have made a racial comment, even if its not meant to be, and I am very sure that people would agree with me.

.. Response to another blog (13) - 'Bullying' ..

This post comes from and reads:
"Bullying is definitely being bad. Bullying gives people power to be able intimediate and make people lives hell. Some people that are bullys enjoy doing it and some people I suppose you can put it down to peer pressure. Being bullyed can lead to death thats why it is important that we inform someone before it gets too late because some people are weak and may try to kill themselves. It is the teachers responsibility to prevent bullying and punish the bullys. Some people get bullied all their lives but this could be due to way their personality is (easy to take advantage of). This means that you have to be more stronger and stick up for yourself and dont let anyone push you around."
My response to this is:
I agree with yourself, bullying is definitely a form of being bad, and I have always been against bullying. Bullying someone is not a nice feeling at all, and the people that bully someone are horrid people, because they make people feel so low in themselves, just because they feel good and they get some kind of thrill to make people feel like this.
If someone is being bullied, I think they should tell someone straight away, even if they think its nothing but bullying is something, and it is a form of behaviour which can make people feel so low that they would do crazy things; such as: commit suicide.
If bullying is happening at schools, then something should be done about it, however, bullying is something which consists in the society, and formal action should be taken. Fair enough, people's personalities may be weaker then others however this doesn't mean that people like this should be taken advantage off!!!

.. Response to another blog (12) - 'Pornography' ..

This post comes from and reads:
"The explicit depiction of a sexual subject or matter that adheres to the sexually excited viewer's desires and sexual fantasy. This is one way of describing Pornography. Unlike erotica pornography is less artist and uses more grimey and tacky storylines. Whether it is wrong, I reserve judgement. I believe people should do whatever makes them happy. So if that means watching or participating in any pornographic activity, it is entirely up to them."
My response to this is:
I agree with your view on pornography, I don't think people are bad just because they watch porn because watching porn in your own home or wherever; it is their own personal choice and people should'nt interfere. Also, people who are in the pornography industry, are looked at as 'bad people', but it is their own personal choice and if they want to make porn for living then that's their choice. Overall, I disagree with the fact that people judge others before thinking and also by not considering people's careers as people do have their reasons and explanations they may have for this type of career.

.. Bad Comedians ..

I wasn't to keen on this topic, as I personally think that 'Bad Comedians' are not 'bad'. I understand that comedians use bad material, and the bad references they use in their comedy such as gender, sexual references, religious references and others, however I do not see it as bad behaviour, as they are just saying all this because they feel that their comedy will sell.
My favourite comedian is Russell Peters, the jokes that he comes out with are funny, and some of them are racist, however people do find it offensive because they know that its all part of his comedy, so they don't judge him by his racial or sexual comments that involve within his comedy.

.. Response to another blog (11) - 'Cutting' ..

This post comes from and reads:
"It is repeated self-harming on purpose. A person suffering from self-harm cuts or scratches or beats herself/himself in order to get over some problem or mental stress. After cutting herself/himself s/he feels immediately relief because the body (in order to lessen the pain) produces endorphin (hormone which makes the person feel happy). But the relief does not last long and the person feels bad about the self-harming and cuts herself/himself again to feel relief and this way gets trapped in a never ending circle. Anyway, the circle can be undone if the person admits her/his problem and accepts professional help."
My response to this is:
Self-harming I find is a big thing, but I wouldn't say it's a form of bad behaviour but self-harming is something serious. A person must be going threw some serious problems for them to self-harm themselves, for example: you see on the television; in situations where people self-harm themselves is when people are depressed, upset, heartbroken, don't like their image, or suffering from any other problems such as bullying; all these problems can cause someone to self-harm themselves.

.. Response to another blog (10) - 'Euthanasia' ..

This post comes from and reads:
"Euthanasia is the deliberate killing of a person for the benefit of that person. Euthanasia is a very complex subject, many people strongly believe is wrong and do not accept it. But I think that it can not be judged right or wrong by anyone as the people involved would obviously believe that it was the best decision for the person. I think that if someone is suffering so much that they want to put a end to it, they should have the right to decide this. Euthanasia can be seen as a part of the right to freedom, so surely the right to death should be included in this, yet it remains illegal even though the British law in place encourages human rights. If abortion is accepted and legal why not euthanasia? At least with euthanasia you have the consent of the person who's life is being ended."
My response to this is:
I personally don't think euthanasia is bad, or a form of being bad, because if someone is in a lot of pain and they are requesting for someone to end their life, then I don't find this bad, because the person has given permission for the other person to do this for them.
Abortion and euthanasia is completely different, and I don't agree personally with abortion myself, however if someone did perform euthanasia I wouldn't judge them at all.

.. Response to another blog (9) - 'Drugs' ..

This post comes from and reads:
"I think intoxicating your body with drugs is the worst thing you can do. If are bodies are our temples then why ruin them? I'm not saying worship yourself, but keeping fit and healthy is the best thing you can do. Drugs are highly addictive and can kill why do them? I still struggle to think why people do, maybe its the momentary buzz it gives them, but sacrificing your life, health and well being for a moment of pleasure isn't right surely?"
My response to this is:
Drugs is very common nowadays, loads of people are doing it, I know several people that consume drugs, and to be honest I've always questioned them when they do it, and the funny thing is that not one person has given me some good reason why they do drugs.
I've never been interested in drugs from day one, its never attracted me, and I've never felt like trying it, even when I'm surrounded by friends that are doing it, I've never been tempted. But I remember once when I was talking to my friend, and I go to him, I don't see the point of doing drugs, and he got very defensive and our conversation turned out to be argument instead over drugs. After, I was thinking to myself, people who do drugs or sell drugs will always defend it because its something meaningful to them, has it becomes an habit.
But I agree with Kal, that I see drugs as a form of killing yourself, and I don't understand why people do it; and when people say its because they want to feel relaxed and chilled out, I don't see how drugs do that, but then again I wouldn't understand that feeling as I've never done drugs before in my life, and I wouldn't either.

Friday 1 May 2009

.. Death For Entertainment - Jade Goody ..

Jade Goody was one individual who would never be forgotten, and this is due to one particular reason; "Big Brother"; with all the crazy antics. However, she became very famous after the Channel 4 show in 2002, she became very popular with the media which led to her own television programmes and the launch of her own products.

In 2007, she was a housemate in Celebrity Big Brother, where she was accused of racist bullying against the Indian actress Shilpa Shetty. She after apologised to the public of her actions and admitted that she was in the wrong, so she decided to go to India because she knew that Shilpa Shetty was hosting the show, however she recieved some very bad news that she had cervical cancer and was returned back to the UK.

Jade Goody was told that her cancer was terminal, I feel sorry for Jade, even though she was an idiot, and what she said was wrong, but I wouldn't wish anything like this to anyone even my own enemies. I felt so sorry for her two children, as they are only young too; soon after being told that her cancer was terminal, herself and her boyfriend Jack Tweed decided they wanted to get married, and the wedding was broadcasted on television, because she wanted to do as much as she could for her children. I don't blame her, I think everyone would do the same if they could; her children meant the world to her, thats why the media was involved with Jade Goody a lot during the time.

I watched a clip from the wedding, and found it very emotional, as everyone was in tears, even though i was not keen on Jade Goody myself, it was just sad to see what was going on. However, she then passed away on 22 March 2009, on Mother's Day; I know a lot of people that did not like her a lot however they were really upset themselves to hear what was happening, and the fact that she passed away on Mother's Day.

But some people wouldn't agree with what im saying, meaning, there have been so many remarks since she passed away, I personally I don't find the remarks funny at all, as I saw on facebook, and other social networks that people use. However, I decided to name my post 'Death For Entertainment' because Jade Goody's death was advertised on television so much that it was becoming entertainment for the audiences, such as advertising for magazines that were dedicated to Jade Goody's death.
I wouldn't put Jade Goody has a form of bad behaviour, however like I've mentioned above, that I don't agree with the way she has used her death to make money. For Jade Goody to publish her life in magazines is her own personal choice, as she was known for her publicity in the media, but selling her death story to the magazines, I feel is not right. The main reason why she has done this is for her childrens sake, and I completely understand that, but I feel for the others who are experiencing the same problems because they don't have the opportunity to do this, like Jade Goody has, and this is not fair.

.. Response to another blog (8) - 'Noisy sex arrest' ..

This post comes from and reads:
"48 year old Caroline appeared in court for ‘having noisy sex’; she has a four-year Asbo’s banning her from making excessive amount of noise anywhere in England. Since then, she has been convicted of breaching her Asbo in just 10 days…where the neighbours complained of shouting, groaning and her bed banging against the wall.
Cartwright was convicted of five breaches of a noise abatement on 17th April and fined £515!!! She was later arrested on three separate occasions within the same week for breaching again!!!
I could understand with a complain the once, but it seems the women did not even feel embarrassed that her sex life or ‘appetite’ had become so open…when I read this article I really could not stop laughing, the courts and police really have run out of crime to stop J
What do you think ; is at acceptable for people to be scrutinised for their ’loud’ sex life (no matter how disturbing…) or is it appropriate for the police to be spending time and ‘our’ tax money in arresting people for having ‘loud sex’…?"
My response to this:
I agree with yourself; this article was extremely funny, it was quite obvious that the 48 year old Caroline didn't care about the others around her when she was having 'noisy sex'. I personally don't think this is a form of bad behaviour, because everyone has sex or will have sex one day, however, people who are having sex should have some consideration for others, especially if they know that they are loud in bed.

I also think that the situation has been blown out of proportion, I personally think arresting her is a bit to much, because she was having sex in her own home not in public, but maybe arresting her will teach her a lesson; and its not like she is young either, doesn't she know HOW TO KEEP IT DOWN!!!

Thursday 2 April 2009

.. Body Modification ..

Body modification is changing of the body by various means and to varying degrees from its natural and original state to another. The two most popular forms of practice that are available to people these days are; tattooing and piercing.

There are four different types of body modifications, they are:
< > Non Invasion Practices- Those that do not alter their body structure's but instead the surface such as: make-up, body painting, cutting/colouration of the hair, coloured contact lenses, clip on earrings and tattoos etc.

< > Invasion Practices-
Those that modify by temporarily, or permanently, changing the body by addition to or removal of a part of the body, such as: cutting, piercing, implants or ink etc.

< > Temporary Decorations- These are decorations that allow the individual to change their body without any lasting effects. This can be a short or a long term nature. Short-term temporary decorations include; make-up, hair removal, body painting. Long-term temporary decorations are usually of an invasive nature, this includes; certain piercings, henna tattoos, permanent make-up. These modifications only last a certain amount of time that the body allows. For example: henna tattoos and permanent cosmetics fade with time, while certain piercings with time close up after taking the stud, or bell bar ring out.

< > Permanent Decorations- Most modifications of this type are invasive, and can cause changes to hard or soft tissue areas. For example certain piercings such as insertions of ear or lip-disks, scarification, branding, tattooing, amputations, tooth filing, and finger sacrifice etc.

Some of the reasons why people modify their body are:
< > Religious Reasons
< > Memorial decoration
< > Fashion
< > Rebellion
< > Sexual
< > Membership of a group

Personally, I don't have a problem with people who modify their body, but I think some people do get carried away, for example with the image that has been added on this post, that person has gone over board with the amount of tattoos and piercings he has on his face. I find it unattractive, and it looks scary, and to be honest I think others would agree with me.

Sunday 29 March 2009

.. Paedophiles ..


I really don't understand why people like this exist in the world. Paedophiles have been sterotyped as dirty sad men, however women are just as bad. When you hear about paedophiles in the media, its always related to children, WHY is this?

You hear all kinds of stories about paedophiles, such as in home but it is very common on the Internet too. When I say the Internet, I mean like chatrooms flirting with young teenagers. The thing is you don't really think paedophiles exist but they do! and they are so clever with the way they come across to other people.

"Paedophiles are increasingly targeting babies and children too young to avoid being caught, the police have revealed"

Hearing this I find it so disgusting, what is the point?? What do they get out of this??

Friday 27 March 2009

.. Suicide ..

"Suicide is not chosen; it happens when pain exceeds resources for coping with pain"

I have decided to post this topic on my blog becaause I feel this is a form of bad behaviour, how it is a different sort of bad behaviour compared to the other bad behaviours that have been mentioned in this blog.

To commit suicide, is a serious matter, it is also very common when someone is suffering a lot of pain, or is dealing with serious matters which they cannot handle, and they come to a point where they see any other options, any other way out.

A person who is planning to commit suicides always show some kind of signs or signals like:
< > Depression
< > Signs of sadness and hopelessness
< > No interest in usual activities
< > Changes in what they eat and there weight
< > Changes in behaviour
< > Negative comments about themselves
< > They may have made previous suicide attempts
< > They might, talk, write or hint about suicide

.. Response to another blog (7) - ‘The Morning After Pill’ ..

This post comes from and reads:
"I have just read in the news that girls as young as 11 will soon be able to request the morning after pill by text message in Oxfordshire! I can't even begin to believe that girls as young as 11 are having sex, when I was that age I was happy having fun with my friends, sex never even entered my head then. With that sort of system set up where kids are basically being given the impression it's fine to have sex at that age and get pregnant because oh don't worry you can just text for a pill!!! It's just wrong, I know there is nothing that can be done to stop young people having sex but couldn't they do something more safe like send out condoms?! Sex is so exploited now though it's no wonder there are so many teen pregnancies! I don't understand how so many people can be so irresponsible, or how they just want to grow up so fast."
My response to this is:
This blog I found interesting to read, as opinions and views were expressed clearly and I found her views similar to mine too.

I agree with what you have said that, I cannot believe that girls from the age of 11 can request the morning after pill, this is definitely something which I would never expect to happen but this is ridiculous because they are encouraging the young ones to have sex. When I was at that age, sex was not even on my mind, so I don’t understand what’s happening to the generation today?

You cannot tell people to not have sex, but it shouldn’t be advertised as a normal activity to do, even though it is a form of showing love and passion between you and the other person but these days, sex is just sex nothing else. I have a cousin which is 11 years old which I am very close to, I treat her u like my baby sister, and if I found out that she was having sex and was requesting the morning after pill I would be so disgusted because stories like this is happening today!

Sex being exploited and no wonder why there is a high rate of teenage pregnancies, I don’t understand why people would want to have sex at a young age, sex is not going anywhere!! Is sex that important these days???

Sunday 22 March 2009

.. Response to another blog (6) - ‘Gossiping’ ..

This post comes from and reads:
"Gossiping, a pleasurable pastime? Or simply a bad habit? We are all guilty of receiving some enjoyment when discussing another’s personal affairs. It comes at no surprise that those glossy tattletale magazines fly off the shelves weekly and the paparazzi earn big bucks for their (usually unflattering) snaps of A-list celebrities. Yet, I ask myself, why do we gossip? Is talking negatively about a friend, neighbour, or celebrity a way to boost our own self-esteem? If correct, could this imply we are all insecure individuals?"
My response to this is:
Within this blog I found ‘gossiping’ as a form of bad behaviour, and it definitely caught my attention to read what was said.

Personally, I don’t think gossiping is a form of behaving bad. I am not saying gossiping is ok to do, because its not, but who doesn’t gossip??

I think gossiping is a simply a bad habit, it shouldn’t be done, but it is. Gossiping is always going to be something which will always be there, wherever you go, or whatever age you are, like when family get together, you are always likely to hear or have a conversation about a family member that they will be gossiping about.

I think the main reason why people gossip is because they cant say what they want to their faces, I don’t think its to boost our own self-esteem. If you are gossiping about someone and it is bad things that you are saying which is more likely to be, I think people think its better if you gossip behind their back rather then say it to them, because it might hurt their feelings even though if they found out that you were gossiping behind their backs it might make things worse.

Saturday 21 March 2009

.. Response to another blog (5) - ‘Spitting’ ..

This post comes from and reads:
"While it is not a topic of bad behaviour covered by the moudle it is something that I find annoying and disgusting. Particularly annoying is footballers spitting, which I think encourages children to emulate them by spitting. To spit in someones face is the ultimate insult and can also have have health repercussions if germs are passed in this way. No other bodily fluid would be discharged in public in such a way so why saliva?"
My response to this is:
The blog was very interesting especially with the different forms of bad behaviour. One of the main behaviours that have been mentioned is ‘spitting’.

I disagree with your view, I personally don’t see spitting as a form of bad behaviour, however it is disgusting and should be kept discreet but I don’t believe that spitting is wrong.

I agree that it is not right for people to spit in others face as that is wrong and should not be tolerated by anyone, but who really does spit in peoples faces??

Friday 20 March 2009

.. Response to another blog (4) - ‘Alfie Patten a dad at 13’ ..

This post comes from and reads:
"I can't believe what is happening to the youngsters in our society today, it turns my stomach when I hear this story on the news or see it in the newspapers. Where on earth were their parents and how did they get into a situation which enabled them to have sex in the first place...I feel for the child, will it be another burden for society? it certainly isn't the little girls fault (Maisie) but somewhere, somehow we are failing our younger generation. Who is being bad? the parents, society, or the educational system, because we are getting it increasingly wrong, BIG TIME!!!!"
My response to this is:
I enjoyed reading this blog as the views and opinions were expressed clearly, and I enjoyed reading all the posts. The post that made my stomach turn was the story of the 13 year old father.

When I first heard about this story, I was so shocked, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing in the newspapers. What are the youngsters doing these days? I agree, that hearing this does turn my stomach, and where were the parents when all this was happening?

The young boy is only 13, he has his whole life ahead of him, I’m sure he has plans for the future, but now that he has the responsibility of a child and being a dad, things are going to be different for him now!! Its quite obvious that when they had sex they didn’t think of the consequences that could happen.

What is this society coming too, I totally agree who is being bad here? Is it the parents, the society, or even the education system because something is seriously going wrong here!!!

Thursday 19 March 2009

.. Response to another blog (3) - ‘Supersize vs. Superskinny’ ..

This post comes from and reads:
"I saw a programme the other week on opposite radical health approaches, it showed a skinny female and an obese male. Both were on extreme diets leading to many health issues. I always assumed that people that were morbidly obese or extremely skinny chose to be that way, but having watched this programme I realised the in-depth issues that lie beneath these eating habits.The connection between foods and emotion was not quite clear to me before this, its strange how unintentionally people acquire eating habits dependant on how they feel, or whats happening in their lives. Having said this, I suffered from an eating disorder at the age of 15, at 5 foot 5 i weighed 6 stones, which does not sound so bad i suppose, but I looked like a walking corpse. The ironic thing was even then I always thought I was fat!!!I suppose for me the reason I had adapted such a diet was because...I was bullied at school about my appearance, I dreaded going into school everyday (shhhhhhh)...the fact that I was skinny protected me, they couldn't pick on me because of my weight, it was one less reason. As well as this, it was for me, I wanted to be so skinny that I couldn't go wrong, where on the off-day I could eat loads and still be skinny. Although I never felt skinny enough...As well as this, waking up everyday to a magasine full of skinny celeb's cant help, women mostly must feel so pressured to compete with overly underweight celebs. Its exhausting...I should know!!"
My response to this is:
This blog I found very interesting posts, however one caught my attention the most, and that was ‘supersize vs. superkinny’. After reading the post, my view was different from what was

I have also watched the programme that you have mentioned, and found it very interesting, and also did see a different side to people with weight issues. People that are either skinny, or an obese choose that option to be like that, I did also think that to, but after watching that problem it made me realise that its not the people choose to be the way they are, its just that they cannot control themselves.

Wednesday 18 March 2009

.. Response to another blog (2) - 'Infidelity' ..

This post comes from and reads:
"I've been reading a lot about infidelity and I do see why people would want to sleep with someone outside their relationship. They've been with their partner all their lives and want to see what it's like with someone else or you're not getting the attention you feel you deserve or you're unhappy within your relationship but I still feel there is no excuse for infidelity.If you feel that there is a problem within your relationship, the ideal thing to do is talk not sleep with the next person you meet. What’s even worse is the problem with communicating transfers over to the person you’re having an affair with; you have problems laying down the boundaries of said affair and everything continues spiralling out of control. Now not only will it affect your partner but friends and family too."

My response to this is:
My view on infidelity, is that I don’t agree with people who start getting bored of their relationship, and feel that they have to go somewhere else for some fun or something different.

I agree that if there is a problem within a relationship, the best thing is to discuss it with your partner and come up with a solution instead of sleeping around with people.

Tuesday 17 March 2009

.. Binge Drinking ..

Drinking with the intention of getting drunk?
Drinking to a point where you lose control?
Drinking so much in a short amount of time?
Occasional, heavy drinking?

“Binge drinkers are known to be at an increased risk of accidents, violence, and engaging in unprotected sex”

"..binge-drinking is a debated term. Since alcohol will affect different people in different ways, there is no fixed relationship between the amount drunk and its consequences."

Causes of binge drinking = THE MARKETING, PRICE AND PROMOTIONS!!!

Binge-drinking is influenced by the promotions that are being advertised, promotions and special offers are seen by many to encourage people to drink more!! For example: you will find in clubs, bars with promotions for the night, like drinks are only £1.50.

I personally think that the drink promotions, is an influence for people to drink more, as it is cheap, so people would take advantage of the situation. However, people should still drink a sensible amount, they all should have limits! Some people have a few drinks and there still sober, but everyone is different, as some people can only have a couple of drinks and there drunk!

The thing is that the promoters, who are advertising cheap promotions on drinks at clubs and bars, do not considerate the affects that the promotions may cause, because for them they are making profit, so they would carry on introducing more promotions so they can attract the customers.

Binge drinking should be taken seriously to some individuals, I think especially the people who get drunk very easily, my advice for those people who do get drunk easily is to be careful, and maybe set yourself limits when going out, because people who are drunk are at risk, for example: people can become very aggressive such as with their behaviour towards people; physically and mentally. Another example being: when people are very drunk and they don’t know what is going on around them, so they put themselves at risk, such as people might have unprotected sex with someone they may not know, or even when they are drinking, people can spike their drinks, and this can cause serious damage to the person, so it is very important for people who drink to watch what they are doing, and also watch what other people are doing around them, because you never no what can happen..!

Monday 16 March 2009

.. Gambling ..

Gambling can be a form of ‘being bad’, it can also be fun, but then again it can become an addiction which may cause financial problems for the person.

There are many forms of gambling that people can get hooked on to:
< > Roulette

< > Scratch cards
< > Lottery
< > Slots
< > Horse track gambling
< > Card games
< > Sports betting

There are various religion views going against gambling, one religion being Christianity. “The Bible defines sin as the transgression of God's spiritual law, the Ten Commandments (I John 3:4). One of these commandments is that we must not covet, or wrongfully desire another's possessions (Exodus 20:17). Therefore, any activity that is based upon covetousness is sin.”

I think gambling can become an problem especially when you start playing, and you have beginners luck and your winning money, you do get tempted and excited and you want to play more, and sometimes when you are losing you don’t realise because in your mind your thinking that your winning so much money even though your losing money at the same time.

Sunday 15 March 2009

.. Response to another blog (1) - 'Being Bad' ..

This post comes from and reads:
Is shoplifiting any different to any other kind of theft ?In my opinion, shoplifiting is no different to any other kind of theft because we are still taking something that does not belong to us.Why do people who can afford to buy things shoplift them instead ?I think people who can afford to buy things shoplift because they get a adrenaline rush at thought of getting away with shoplifting."

Is it prostitution to take money of someone who is expecting sex, but then not supply it ?
No, it is not prostitution because sex was not supplied.
If it isn't prostitution then is it more or less socially respectable ?
I feel it is less socially respectable.
If it is prostitution, then how much is a reasonable charge ?
I dont feel there is a reasonable charge in selling your body or sex to a person."

When does a concerned interest in someone's activities become stalking ?
When a person is following you around at all times and not leaving you alone.
Are some kinds of observance allowable and appropriate ? Which ones aren't ?
Certain types of observance are allowed, depending upon the situation. The ones that aren't allowed are: Following a person at all times after being asked not to, looking through a person window, looking through a person personal belongings."

My response to this is:
Shoplifting- I agree with what you wrote, that shoplifting is no different to any other kind of theft because you still taking something that does not belong to us. I don’t understand why people who can afford to buy things need to shoplift still, I don’t really see the point, but some people cant control themselves, as it becomes an addiction or a habit of getting things free and not getting caught.

Prostitution- my view on prostitution is that it is a form of being bad. People become prostitutes because they must be very desperate for money, as that is the main reason why people do it. But prostitution makes the person feel less socially respectable, like you have said, and I agree that prostitution is selling your body or sex to person just for money.

Stalking- I personally think stalking is not appropriate at all, its scary. I understand people have crushes and sometimes people do become a bit obsessed, but there should be a limit, if your following the person, ringing them all the time, pestering them, sending them gifts, or waiting for them to come out of their house, this is definitely not right!!!

Tuesday 10 March 2009

.. Stalking ..

"Someone is watching over me..."

When does a concerned interest in someone's activities become stalking?

Are some kinds of observance allowable and appropriate? Which ones aren't?

Everyone in one point of their life has experience a painful break-up, so it is easy to sympathize with someone else who is having difficulty letting go, for example: phoning, sending flowers, letters, gifts to win back their love.

Then again, many of us have had crushes on another person, so in one way or another we can relate to the tactics people sometimes use to get their attention. For example: when you are on the receiving end of these pursuit's it can be very flattering; however when it crosses the line, and starts to make you feel uneasy that that is your instinct is telling you something very important- that you are being stalked and you might be in danger.

Stalking is a serious form of being bad, and can have various affects, such as negative impacts on personal relationships, taking time off from education or work or even living in fear as they might feel something may happen to them physically.

Monday 9 March 2009

.. Lying ..

Lying can be seen in both forms of good and bad behaviour, it just depends on the circumstances or the situation the person is in themself.

If you are going to lie about silly things like: Santa Clause is real, or if you put your tooth under the pillow the tooth fairy is going to come and give you some money or even situations when someone so close to you is very ill, you would tell them that they are looking better even though they may not. In these types of situations, lying is not hurting or harming anyone, it is making people happy instead, so I personally think that by lying in these types of situations is acceptable.

The bad types of lying that I don't think is acceptable from people is when your lying about something which is serious, for example: in situations when people cheat, and when they get caught in the act they have excuses such as "She's/he's my mate!". Also, another example where lying is bad is when people have to do something but they couldn't be bothered so they make up a pathetic excuse, I don't see why they have to lie, if they just tell the person the truth, isn't that better?

Sunday 8 March 2009

.. Shoplifting ..

Why do people shoplift?
Excitement..? Bad habit..? Imitating others..? Cannot afford things..? The feeling of getting away with something which is known to be bad..?

I feel that shoplifting is not neccessary, however people have their reasons to why they do it, but if you really want something why dont you just buy it? or ask someone else too, if you cannot afford it? or save your money and then buy it?

I remember a time when we had to do two weeks of work experience, I was put with the 'new girl' who had joined our school. We had to apply for stores that we wanted to work in, we both picked the same store, and ended up working in an retail store together. I never knew her that well but used to speak to her sometimes, as she used to live near me.

But working with her for two weeks, I got to know what kind of person she was. She was the type of girl that was very quiet, not very confident, and very shy. However, after the two weeks was over, rumours were going around school, that she had stolen so many items from the store, and that she had been caught before by the police, and it was so serious that she was put into a cell for a certain amount of hours.

I think to myself that she did not care with what she was doing, however she may have her reasons to why she was stealing, as she had issues with her family and maybe she had the reason to steal because of that..we would never know why??

Saturday 7 March 2009

.. Drink Driving ..

Drink driving has always been an issue, such as reducing drink drivers, as this is a serious issue which can harm people's lifes.

Drink driving is something which people cannot forget, for example: the media have advertised many adverts and video clips of drink driving and what it can cause.
The image below, shows a young female who has been affected by drink driving. As you can see from the image, she is very lucky to survive the accident however her old appearance has disappeared.
As I have mentioned above, the young female in the image is lucky to have survived the terrible accident she was in, this is because statistics show that on average 3,000 people are killed or seriously injured each year in drink drive collisions.
Drink driving is a very serious offence, the number of people getting killed in road accidents is mostly due to excessive alchol. If drink drivers are caught their is serious charges that are involved, such as a 6 months in jail, and if they are caught under the influence of alchol or drugs they will also face a 12 month ban and a fine up to £5000.

Friday 6 March 2009

.. Abortion ..

I consider abortion to be extremely 'bad', because I don't know how someone could kill such an innocent, harmless human-being that is not even born yet. How can they do it...?

I understand that having a baby is a very big responsibility, however individuals take the choice of having sex, they are aware of the responsibilities that come with having a sexual relationship, so why not handle them in a responsible manner?, why is the first thought 'abortion or termination'.

Sometimes having a baby can cause a lot of problems for the individuals themselves, for example: their families, when they find out the news many problems can occur such as: disownment, shame to the family. Religious views and beliefs can also be reflected on the situation.

If you do get pregnant you should act responsibility...instead of taking the fastest route out of the situation.

Wednesday 4 March 2009

.. Masturbation ..

Masturbation is not a common subject that people speak about...WHY?
This might be because people find masturbation a 'embarrassing' or 'a bad thing to do'.

Statistics show that 90% men and 65% women masturbate time to time.

I don't think masturbation is a 'bad thing to do', I understand why people may find it embarrassing as it is very personal, however it is a natural thing to do, and it allows you to explore yourself and also release sexual frustration. Masturbation is becoming more of a norm in peoples daily lives. What ever people do in their homes, is nobody's business..unless it becomes public!

I think there are stereotypicals views on 'masturbation': males have been stereotyped to masturbate. But when people find out that females do also masturbate it is 'big shocker', however females are just as likely to masturbate as males.

Tuesday 24 February 2009

.. Rape/Sexual Abuse ..

As a woman my body means a lot to me, and I feel for any person that has been raped or sexually abused, as it is a very serious form of bad behaviour and also a difficult issue to deal with for the person too. I respect any woman that has been in this situation and has been able to carry herself on within life, even though I find it very emotional that our society has ‘monsters’, that form this kind of horrid action to innocent people.

Monday 23 February 2009

.. Smoking ..

Smoking is looked upon and an act of ‘being bad and bad behaviour’ because of the damage it causes the consumer and others around them.
Gives you yellow teeth...yellow fingernails...bad breath!! But yet people still smoke...WHY??


Peer pressure..? Depression..? Social class..? Fashion..? Media..?

The media have influenced individuals and shown positive outcomes of smoking. Smoking in films, and TV is not an accidental pursuit, it is deliberately included because of what it contributes to the character of the individual smoker.
“We use cigarettes as a shield against relating to each other”. Paul Rudd (200 Cigarettes 1999 dir Risa Bramon Garcia)

Cigarette smoking is the highest in the 20-34 age group (35% compared with 29% for 16-19, 35-49; 27% for 50-59; and 16% for 60+) (WOLF-Lecture Week 2)

In my personal opinion, I think smoking is a very bad habit and look, e.g. the smell and the stains it leaves on their teeth. I feel that smokers do not have an eligible reason to smoke, they only smoke for the sake of smoking, there is no actual long term meaning behind their actions. For example: a close friend, smokes occasionally when she is stressed as it helps her relief stress.

I think that people smoke thinking its going to help them when really it is psychological. The reality is that no good comes from smoking, it only causes harm to the body of the consumer and passive smokers.

Smoking is very expensive! buying cigarettes are not cheap at all, I would rather spend that money on something more worthwhile and longer lasting, rather than spending it on something which is going to kill me!!

I don’t have a problem with people who smoke!! But smokers should have their boundaries!! For example: Why would you smoke if your pregnant? Smokers tend to not think, they just do what they like at that time. They don’t look at what’s around them, for example: smoking around children, this can affect them too. This shows that when people smoke, they don’t think about the repercussions!!

Sunday 22 February 2009

.. Knife Crime (WEEK 12 SUGGESTION) ..

Knife crime has hit such a high rate in the past 5 years...So where has it come from?
Peer pressure is one of the main factors behind it . Stats show that the majority of victims targeted and offenders are teens. Last year in London alone over 20 teens were murdered in knife crime attacks.